You passed your certification a while ago and you have not dived since or you just need to review some exercices the Scuba refresh will help you to refresh your scuba diving skills and knowledge to be able to enjoy fully your diving in the Riviera Maya!
Better to take some time of re-adaptation in and feel 100% comfortable during your fun dives!
It includes a quick and easy knowledge review, a session of exercise in confined shallow water if needed and a 1 or 2 open water dive in a reef or Cenote.
The refresh can be organised in Playa del Carmen with a pool session in the morning, in the open part of a Cenote used as a natural pool or in Akumal, the turtles place!
Price depends on the location (ask us for more details)

Pre-requisites :
Be a certified diver
Fill up the PADI medical questionnaire. This form is to find out if you are able to dive. If you reply yes to any of the items in the questionnaire you must consult a physician prior to participating in scuba diving and provide us with a medical certificate.